United Nations Association Orange County

The UNA-OC, also known as the United Nations Association of Orange County, is a community chapter of UNA-USA (United Nations Association of the United States of America). Its primary goal is to mobilize individuals who are passionate about supporting the United Nations and its initiatives.

With a membership base of over 300 individuals, the UNA-OC represents a diverse group of people dedicated to promoting the values and objectives of the United Nations. One notable aspect of the chapter is its youthful composition, with 60% of its members being under the age of 26. This reflects the organization's commitment to engaging young people and empowering them to contribute to global issues.

The UNA-OC emphasizes the importance of local-to-global engagement, recognizing that positive change can be achieved at both the community and global levels. Members of the organization believe that everyone has a role to play in advancing the mission of the United Nations and working towards the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Sustainable Development Goals are a set of 17 interconnected goals established by the United Nations to address pressing global challenges, including poverty, hunger, inequality, climate change, and more. By supporting the UN's mission and advocating for the SDGs, UNA-OC members actively contribute to creating a more sustainable, just, and equitable world.

Through various activities, events, and advocacy efforts, the UNA-OC strives to raise awareness about the United Nations and the critical issues it addresses. The chapter provides a platform for members to collaborate, share ideas, and take action on both local and global issues. By fostering dialogue, education, and engagement, the UNA-OC plays a vital role in promoting global citizenship and creating a network of individuals committed to supporting the United Nations.

United Nations Association of the United States of America

The United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA) is a nonprofit grassroots organization that strives to garner political and public support for the United Nations among Americans. As part of the United Nations Foundation, UNA-USA has a multifaceted mission that involves advocating for increased U.S. leadership at the UN, improving the UN system, and implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and UN Charter within the United States and globally.

To accomplish its goals, UNA-USA engages in various activities such as public outreach, government awareness campaigns, and community organizing. It organizes youth programs, fellowships, and networking events at the local and national levels. Notable events hosted by UNA-USA include the Global Engagement Summit held at the UN Headquarters in New York City and the Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C. The organization is led by an executive director and governed by a thirty-member national council that convenes twice a year.

UNA-USA, along with its partner organization, the Better World Campaign, forms the world's largest network advocating for the United Nations. With over 20,000 members spread across more than 200 chapters in cities and universities throughout the country, UNA-USA has a broad reach. Notably, a significant portion of its membership comprises individuals under the age of twenty-six, reflecting its commitment to engaging and empowering young people. Furthermore, UNA-USA is a member of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, which encompasses other national UN advocacy organizations.

Through its expansive network and collaborative efforts, UNA-USA strives to generate support and awareness for the United Nations and its work. By mobilizing Americans to advocate for stronger U.S. engagement, supporting UN system improvements, and driving progress on the SDGs, UNA-USA plays a crucial role in fostering a more inclusive, cooperative, and sustainable global community.

Our Mission

At the heart of our mission, we aim to inform, inspire, and mobilize individuals to actively support the ideas and critical work of the United Nations. Through education, awareness, and engagement, we strive to empower people to become informed global citizens who champion the values and objectives of the UN. By fostering a deep understanding of the UN's initiatives and their impact, we seek to inspire individuals to take action, whether it's through advocacy, volunteerism, or promoting sustainable development.

Our Chapter is working to advance the below goals

  1. We identify local SDG champions—from mayors to business leaders, to innovators and volunteers—and celebrate their efforts through awards and public events.

  2. We volunteer with and help elevate local partners and programs that support the goals, such as food banks and refugee resettlement organizations.

  3. We stand up for policies that advance the 2030 Agenda in city hall, the state house, and on Capitol Hill (now online)

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The World Needs the UN, and the UN Needs Your Support!